Expanded descriptions of columns in the Lightcurve, Objects, and Sources Catalog tables
The object-based (lightcurve-collapsed) metrics were largely taken from Richards et al. 2011 and Richards et al. 2012.
oid Unique object identifier. ra [deg] Right ascension. dec [deg] Declination. htm20 HTM20 index for object. fid Filter identifier (1 = g; 2 = R). cntr Unique row identifier. transient_flag Flag to indicate if epochal detections are transient (= 1), i.e., object was not detected in reference image co-add, versus variable (= 0) with a detection in the reference image. astrometricRMS [degrees] Root Mean Squared deviation in epochal positions relative to the object's ra,dec; effectively the root-summed mean squared deviations along the ra and dec axes. nobs Total number of epochal detections (observation epochs) in the lightcurve for this object. ngoodobs The number of epochal detections that were not flagged, masked, nor associated with bad pixels during the source extraction process. nbestobs Number of "clean" epochal detections used to compute relative photometric corrections across all observation epochs (= a subset of ngoodobs). chiSQ Chi-square metric using nobs detections. con fraction of nobs where three consecutive observations are more than 2x RMS from the median magnitude, plus 1 linearTrend [mag/day] Slope from linear fit to nobs detections. magRMS [mag] Root Mean Squared deviation in nobs magnitudes. maxMag [mag] Maximum magnitude over nobs detections. maxSlope [mag/day] Maximum pairwise slope over all consecutive nobs detections meanMag [mag] Mean magnitude over nobs detections. medianAbsDev [mag] Median absolute deviation in magnitudes over nobs detections. medianMag [mag] Median magnitude over nobs detections minMag [mag] Minimum magnitude over nobs detections nAboveMeanByStd_1 Number of lightcurve points that are 1 standard deviation above the mean magnitude over nobs. nAboveMeanByStd_3 Number of lightcurve points that are 3 standard deviations above the mean magnitude over nobs. nAboveMeanByStd_5 Number of lightcurve points that are 5 standard deviations above the mean magnitude over nobs. nBelowMeanByStd_1 Number of lightcurve points that are 1 standard deviation below the mean magnitude over nobs. nBelowMeanByStd_3 Number of lightcurve points that are 3 standard deviations below the mean magnitude over nobs. nBelowMeanByStd_5 Number of lightcurve points that are 5 standard deviations below the mean magnitude over nobs. nConsecAboveMeanByStd_1 Number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 1 standard deviation above the mean magnitude. nConsecAboveMeanByStd_3 Number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 3 standard deviations above the mean magnitude. nConsecAboveMeanByStd_5 Number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 5 standard deviations above the mean magnitude. nConsecBelowMeanByStd_1 Number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 1 standard deviation below the mean magnitude. nConsecBelowMeanByStd_3 Number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 3 standard deviations below the mean magnitude. nConsecBelowMeanByStd_5 Number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 5 standard deviations below the mean magnitude. nConsecFromMeanByStd_1 Total number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 1 standard deviation either above or below the mean magnitude. nConsecFromMeanByStd_3 Total number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 3 standard deviations either above or below the mean magnitude. nConsecFromMeanByStd_5 Total number of consecutive lightcurve points that are 5 standard deviations either above or below the mean magnitude. nMedianBufferRange Number of points more than 20% of the lightcurve amplitude from the weighted mean magnitude. nPairPosSlope Number of positive slopes between all consecutive pairwise lightcurve points (mag[i+1] brighter than mag[i]) percentiles_05 [mag] 5th percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_10 [mag] 10th percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_175 [mag] 17.5 percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_25 [mag] 25th percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_325 [mag] 32.5 percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_40 [mag] 40th percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_60 [mag] 60th percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_675 [mag] 67.5 percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_75 [mag] 75th percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_825 [mag] 82.5 percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_90 [mag] 90th percentile in magnitude over nobs. percentiles_95 [mag] 95th percentile in magnitude over nobs. referenceMag [mag] Object magnitude from reference image (co-add) referenceMagErr [mag] Error in referenceMag. referenceMuMax [mag/square arcsec] Maximum surface brightness in reference image skewness Skew (third moment) in lightcurve magnitudes over nobs. smallKurtosis Kurtosis (fourth moment) in lightcurve magnitudes over nobs for small samples (http://www.xycoon.com/peakedness_small_sample_test_1.htm) stetsonJ Stetson-J statistic for this filter only; measures degree of autocorrelation in magnitudes over nobs. stetsonK Stetson-K statistic; proportional to the kurtosis of the magnitude distribution over nobs. uncalibMeanMag mean of instrumental magnitudes vonNeumannRatio The von Neumann Ratio statistic over nobs; measure of epoch-to-epoch variability. weightedMagRMS [mag] Root Mean Square magnitude over nobs using inverse-variance weighting. weightedMeanMag [mag] Inverse-variance weighted mean magnitude over nobs. bestAstrometricRMS Same as astrometricRMS, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestChiSQ Same as chiSQ, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestCon Same as con, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestLinearTrend Same as linearTrend, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestMagRMS Same as magRMS, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestMaxMagt Same as maxMagt, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestMaxSlope Same as maxSlope, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestMeanMag Same as meanMag, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestMedianAbsDev Same as medianAbsDev, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestMedianMag Same as medianMag, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestMinMag Same as minMag, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNAboveMeanByStd_1 Same as nAboveMeanByStd_1, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNAboveMeanByStd_3 Same as nAboveMeanByStd_3, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNAboveMeanByStd_5 Same as nAboveMeanByStd_5, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNBelowMeanByStd_1 Same as nBelowMeanByStd_1, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNBelowMeanByStd_3 Same as nBelowMeanByStd_3, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNBelowMeanByStd_5 Same as nBelowMeanByStd_5, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecAboveMeanByStd_1 Same as nConsecAboveMeanByStd_1, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecAboveMeanByStd_3 Same as nConsecAboveMeanByStd_3, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecAboveMeanByStd_5 Same as nConsecAboveMeanByStd_5, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecBelowMeanByStd_1 Same as nConsecBelowMeanByStd_1, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecBelowMeanByStd_3 Same as nConsecBelowMeanByStd_3, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecBelowMeanByStd_5 Same as nConsecBelowMeanByStd_5, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecFromMeanByStd_1 Same as nConsecFromMeanByStd_1, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecFromMeanByStd_3 Same as nConsecFromMeanByStd_3, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNConsecFromMeanByStd_5 Same as nConsecFromMeanByStd_5, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNMedianBufferRange Same as nMedianBufferRange, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestNPairPosSlope Same as nPairPosSlope, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_05 Same as percentiles_05, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_10 Same as percentiles_10, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_175 Same as percentiles_175, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_25 Same as percentiles_25, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_325 Same as percentiles_325, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_40 Same as percentiles_40, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_60 Same as percentiles_60, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_675 Same as percentiles_675, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_75 Same as percentiles_75, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_825 Same as percentiles_825, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_90 Same as percentiles_90, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestPercentiles_95 Same as percentiles_95, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestProbNonQso Same as probNonQso, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestProbQso Same as probQso, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestSkewness Same as skewness, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestSmallKurtosis Same as smallKurtosis, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestStetsonJ Same as stetsonJ, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestStetsonKt Same as stetsonKt, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestVonNeumannRatio Same as vonNeumannRatio, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestWeightedMagRMS Same as weightedMagRMS, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. bestWeightedMeanMag Same as weightedMeanMag, but using only nbestobs epochal detections used to compute relative photometry. obsmjd Observation MJD plus one half of the exposure time. mag_autocorr Calibrated SExtractor MAG_AUTO with relative photometric correction applied. magerr_auto Calibrated SExtractor MAGERR_AUTO. sid Source database ID (= procimage database ID x 1000000 + SExtractor NUMBER). s_ra R.A. of source at observation epoch (SExtractor ALPHAWIN_J2000). s_dec Dec. of source at observation epoch (SExtractor DELTAWIN_J2000). ptffield PTF field number. ccdid CCD (chip) ID. hmjd Heliocentric MJD plus one half of the exposure time. nid Night database ID. mag_auto Calibrated SExtractor MAG_AUTO (no correction from applied from relative photometry). limitmag Limiting magnitude. absphotzp Absolute photometric zeropoint. fwhmsex SExtractor FWHM of source. fwhm_image SExtractor average FWHM of epochal image. qaflags Source QA flags [bit flags]. flags SExtractor IMAFLAGS_ISO (upper 16 bits) & FLAGS (lower 16 bits) [bit flags]. photcalflag Flag indicating source is photometrically calibrated [0=NO, 1=YES]. goodflag Flag indicating source is good [0=NO, 1=YES]. x Unit sphere x-axis position for ra, dec. y Unit sphere y-axis position for ra, dec. z Unit sphere z-axis position for ra, dec. zone Declination zone database ID. s_x Unit sphere x-axis position for s_ra, s_dec. s_y Unit sphere y-axis position for s_ra, s_dec. s_z Unit sphere z-axis position for s_ra, s_dec. pid Processed-image database ID. s_fid Filter ID. sextractor SExtractor NUMBER (counter from extraction catalog file). flux_auto SExtractor FLUX_AUTO. fluxerr_auto SExtractor FLUXERR_AUTO. mag_iso Calibrated SExtractor MAG_ISO. magerr_iso Calibrated SExtractor MAGERR_ISO. mag_aper_1 Calibrated SExtractor MAG_APERTURE #1. magerr_aper_1 Calibrated SExtractor MAGERR_APERTURE #1. mag_aper_2 Calibrated SExtractor MAG_APERTURE #2. magerr_aper_2 Calibrated SExtractor MAGERR_APERTURE #2. mag_aper_3 Calibrated SExtractor MAG_APERTURE #3. magerr_aper_3 Calibrated SExtractor MAGERR_APERTURE #3. mag_aper_4 Calibrated SExtractor MAG_APERTURE #4. magerr_aper_4 Calibrated SExtractor MAGERR_APERTURE #4. mag_aper_5 Calibrated SExtractor MAG_APERTURE #5. magerr_aper_5 Calibrated SExtractor MAGERR_APERTURE #5. mag_petro Calibrated SExtractor MAG_PETRO. magerr_petro Calibrated SExtractor MAGERR_PETRO. relphotzp Always equals 99.99 (dummy value for now). mu_threshold SExtractor MU_THRESHOLD (detection, above background). mu_max SExtractor MU_MAX (peak surface brightness above background). background SExtractor BACKGROUND. threshold SExtractor THRESHOLD (detection, above background). xpeak_image SExtractor XPEAK_IMAGE (x-coordinate of brightest pixel). ypeak_image SExtractor YPEAK_IMAGE (y-coordinate of brightest pixel). x_image SExtractor XWIN_IMAGE (image x-coordinate of source). y_image SExtractor YWIN_IMAGE (image y-coordinate of source). s_cntr Guaranteed unique identifier for each row. ismerged Flag indicating that source has been merged [0=NO, 1=YES]. x2_image SExtractor X2WIN_IMAGE (source-position variance along x-axis). y2_image SExtractor Y2WIN_IMAGE (source-position variance along y-axis). xy_image SExtractor XYWIN_IMAGE (source-position x-y covariance). a_world SExtractor AWIN_WORLD (profile RMS along world major axis). b_world SExtractor BWIN_WORLD (profile RMS along world minor axis). theta_j2000 SExtractor THETAWIN_J2000 (ellipse angle E of N in J2000). isoarea_world SExtractor ISOAREA_WORLD (Isophotal A above threshold). kron_radius SExtractor KRON_RADIUS [A or B]. petro_radius SExtractor PETRO_RADIUS [A or B]. class_star SExtractor CLASS_STAR (star/galaxy classifier output). errx2_image SExtractor ERRX2WIN_IMAGE (error in source-position variance along x-axis). erry2_image SExtractor ERRY2WIN_IMAGE (error in source-position variance along y-axis). errxy_image SExtractor ERRXYWIN_IMAGE (error in source-position x-y covariance). flux_radius_1 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS(1). flux_radius_2 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS(2). flux_radius_3 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS(3). flux_radius_4 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS(4). flux_radius_5 SExtractor FLUX_RADIUS(5). exptime Exposure time [sec]. airmass Airmass. colorterm Absolute photometric calibration colorterm. airmasscolorterm Absolute photometric calibration airmass-colorterm. bsrms Absolute photometric calibration bright-star RMS. medianskymag Median sky magnitude. moonphas Moon phase angle. moonesb Moon excess in sky brightness [V-band]. spt_ind HTM level 7 spatial index. s_htm20 HTM level 20 spatial index. ipac_gid IPAC Group ID. ipac_pub_date IPAC Publication (Release) Date.
F. Masci and E. Bellm, 08/26/2016